Proclaiming the Good News!


Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,

which cannot be moved, but abides forever.

As the mountains surround Jerusalem,

so the Lord surrounds his people,

from this time forth and forevermore.

Psalm 125:1-2

Have you ever seen a mountain, or mountains, before?  If you have, you never forget it.  In 2010, I was in a little city in Germany called Oberammergau, and next to the town were the famous Alps.  I remember being captivated by these mountains: they were gray, smooth, and extended almost straight into the sky as far as I could see.  It was the only time in life that I felt small.

The other time I have seen mountains was in 2018, when we visited Dawn’s cousin in Colorado.  He lived in Loveland, and one day, took us in the Rocky Mountains.  It was an amazing experience.  We started at the bottom, and followed the river, and then ended up towards the top.  Quite majestically, it also snowed!  It was breathtaking to see the deep ravines and the never-ending sight of pine trees…and more mountains that surrounded us as the road winded through the range.

When I read these verses, I always think of these two experiences.  In verse 1, the psalmist says, “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.”  Have you ever thought of yourself has a mountain?  As something sturdy and enduring?  Probably not, or, at the very least, not often.  The Psalmist proclaims that those who trust in the Lord are like a mountain (and mount Zion, nonetheless!).  They are sturdy and enduring.  Despite what comes their way, they will make it, and last.  They are like that mountain of the Alps.  Why is that?  It is because of their Lord, the One Who is sturdier and more enduring than any mountain.  It is because of the One Who is faithful, merciful, and loving.  And, because of our faith in Christ, we will truly live and abide forever!

In verse 2, the psalmist switches who the mountain is.  It is no longer believers but God.  The psalmist says, “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people, from this time forth and forevermore.”  God is like that mountain range I saw in the Rocky Mountains.  Just as those mountains seemed endless and all-encompassing as we drove through them in the car, so is He like that for us; He surrounds us.  And what does He surround us with?  His grace.  His forgiveness.  His provision and protection.  His love. 

The mountains in this psalm help point us to another mountain where we see these gifts poured out: Mount Calvary, where our Lord suffered and died in our place.  Fortunately, the story doesn’t end on that mountain, but another one, 40 days later, where the risen Lord ascends and says, “Behold I am with you always, to the end of the age!”

Pastor Kooi

(Originally published in Emmaus Footprints, Vol. XXIII, Number 7, February 2022)