Proclaiming the Good News!

PShortest Psalm

“Praise the Lord, all nations!

Extol him, all peoples!

2For great is his steadfast love toward us,

and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.

Praise the Lord!”  -Psalm 117

One of the Bible’s most famous and well-known verses is its shortest one. It is only two words. What is it?  John 11:35. It simply says, “Jesus wept.”  It is profound and gripping. It shows us the humanity and compassion of Jesus. It shows the love of our Savior, and His displeasure for death.

One of the Bible’s other shortest passages should be just as well-known, and beloved. Psalm 117 is the Bible’s shortest chapter, and is just as profound, deep, and impactful. To borrow a phrase from our culture and world, Psalm 117 is “short, concise, and to the point.” This psalm has it all.  It has praise, the inclusion of the Gentiles, and beautiful Gospel. Let’s break it down.

“Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol Him, all peoples!” This refers to all believers in the Lord. This call to praise wasn’t just for the Old Testament saints, but is for us as well. We are included in this. St. Paul actually quotes this verse in Romans 15 as he talks about how God’s plan of salvation became a full reality in Jesus. No wonder we are called to praise! How can we not in light of what God has done for us in Christ?

“For great is His steadfast love toward us….” The blessings continue. God pours and lavishes His steadfast love on us. He isn’t stingy with it. He isn’t cheap with it. He doesn’t hold some back. He lets it out. The steadfast love that He shows us in Christ is great! It is undeserved. It always acts on our behalf, and in our best interests. This love isn’t earned, it is given. It doesn’t depend on God’s mood, but is always dependable. It is also inexhaustible since it reaches to people of all nations!

“…and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.” God will always be faithful to us, even when we haven’t been. He demonstrates this faithfulness best though His Son, Jesus Christ, and His death and resurrection for us. Jesus died and rose for us while we were still enemies, while we were still sinners, while we were still dead in our trespasses. 

“Praise the LORD!” What a fitting way to end in light of God’s steadfast love and enduring faithfulness. After hearing what God has done for us in Christ, how can we not?

In Christ,

Pastor Nick Kooi

(Originally published in Emmaus Footprints, Vol. XXIII, Number 2, September 2021)