Proclaiming the Good News!

“Who You Are in Jesus Christ” The Book of Ephesians

In the movie The Lion King, there is a pivotal scene where Simba, the lion, is with the monkey, Rafiki. Rafiki goes and shows Simba a pond, and in this pond, he sees his father, Mufasa. Mufasa then tells Simba that he has forgotten who he (Simba) is. After an exchange of dialog, Mufasa begins to disappear, saying, “Remember who you are.” As we finish our time in Ephesians, Mufasa’s words are helpful: “Remember who you are.”

In the book of Ephesians, we have studied and heard about who Paul says we are in Jesus Christ. In chapters one to three, we heard from a doctrinal perspective of who we are in Jesus Christ. In chapters four to six, we saw how Paul the Apostle applied those truths for Christian living. So, who are you in Jesus Christ? Ephesians says…

  • You are blessed, chosen, adopted, and sealed (1:3-14).
  • You are saved by grace through faith (2:1-10).
  • You are brought near, at peace, part of the body, and a citizen (2:11-22).
  • You are heard (3:14-21).
  • You are called (4:1-16).
  • You are God’s child (4:30-5:2).
  • You are light (5:6-14).
  • You are equipped (6:10-20).

You are all of these things and more in Jesus Christ. We are these things because of Christ’s death and resurrection for us. We receive these identities and blessings in our baptism, His Word, and Supper. As we finish our time in Ephesians, remember who you are in Jesus Christ.

Pastor Kooi

(Originally published in Emmaus Footprints, Vol. XX, Number 2, September 2018)